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Utility Template Functions

classNames / cx() *

Wraps the newridetech/php-classnames package for Twig allowing you to programmatically build valid class and other HTML attributes:


<div {{ attr({
  class: cx(
    'break classes up ',
    'over mutliple lines',
    'without worrying about whitespace / concatenation issues',
}) }}>...</div>

{# Conditionally output classes #}
<div {{ attr({
    class: cx({
      'text-red': opts.isFeatured,
      'underline': opts.isFeatured and isCurrent,
}) }}>...</div>

{% tag opts.tag ?? 'span' with {
  class: cx(
    'break classes up ',
    'over mutliple lines',
    'without worrying about whitespace / concatenation issues',
} %}
  Some content
{% endtag %}

* This functionality is based on the Classnames plugin by Viget


Returns the path to a Vite asset within the src/assets/ directory, allowing for the value of import.meta.env.DEV + asset hashing in production


<img src="{{ viteAsset('img/logo.svg') }}" >
{# Outputs this when using Vite devserver #}
<img src="<VITE_PORT>/src/assets/img/logo.svg") }}" >
{# But something this in prod #}
<img src="/some/path/logo-<ASSET_HASH>.svg") }}" >