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Query & Collection Helpers

take() / takeOne allow your templates to indifferently consume ElementQuerys, Collections, plain arrays, single Model instances and even hashes / assoc arrays, and handle them all in the same way when you want to consume them.


It also accepts an optional second limit parameter that will limit the quantity of items in the returned collection.

It is available as both a Twig function and a filter.

{% set featuredItems = take(aQueryOrArrayOrCollection, 4)  %}

Expanded example:

{% set entryQuery = craft.entries.section('news') %}
{% set entryQueryResult = craft.entries.section('news').all() %}
{% set entryCollection = craft.entries.section('news').collect() %}
{% set singleEntry = craft.entries.section('news').one() %}


{% for entry in take(entryQuery, 4) %}
  {{ component('card/news', { data: entry })}}
{% endfor %}

{% for entry in take(entryQueryResult, 4) %}
  {{ component('card/news', { data: entry })}}
{% endfor %}

{% for entry in take(entryCollection, 4) %}
  {{ component('card/news', { data: entry })}}
{% endfor %}

{% for entry in take(singleEntry, 4) %}
  {# Only one card will be output here #}
  {{ component('card/news', { data: entry })}}
{% endfor %}


takeOne() returns the first item from a array-like set, null if the set was empty, or just the item itself in any other case. It is available as both a Twig function and a filter.

That means ugly code like this:

{% set image = data.imageField[0] ?? data.imageField[0] ?? null %}

Can be replaced with the much more expressive:

{% set image = takeOne(data.imageField) %}

Expanded example:

{# This could be a query, or a collection for an eager loaded relation #}
{% set assetQuery = data.imageField %}
{% set assetQueryResult = data.imageField.all() %}
{% set singleAsset = %}
{% set fakeAsset = {
 title: 'Placeholder image',
 url: '',
 alt: 'Unbelievabill',
 width: 400,
 height: 300,
} %}

{% set images = [
] %}

 {% for image in images %}
   {# takeOne() doesn't care #}
   {{ component('image', { data: takeOne(image)} ) }}
 {% endfor %}


fill() is useful when you want to be sure to end up with a set number of list items in total, drawing from a series of sources in preferential order. It is available as a Twig function.

{% set featuredItems = craft.entries.section('news').isFeatured(true) %}
{% set otherItems = craft.entries.section('news').isFeatured(false) %}

{% for item in fill(5, featuredItems, otherItems) %}
  {# This loop will run five times, outputting (say) 3 x `featuredItems` (all found) and then 2 x other items #}
{% endfor %}